Child Safety Network

5202 Kearny Villa Way, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92123

About Child Safety Network

Since 1989 CSN has been making America a safer place for children to live. Our mission is to reduce the likelihood of children becoming victims of abuse, abduction, exploitation and injury. We accomplish our mission by developing and implementing educational safety programs on a global basis. CSN acts as a true "network" when it comes to implementation. We have worked with the world's largest service organizations as well as local, state and federal agencies to accomplish our mission. Over 250 U.S. representatives including the office of the President have endorsed CSN's efforts in writing.

Competitors of Child Safety Network

Robotronics Inc

Robotronics is the world leader in safety education products, targeted especially towards children 14-years old and younger. With over 6,000 interactive robotic characters, and thousands of costumes, puppet programs, and educational materials in use around the world, no other private... Read More

Safety Angel Inc.

Safety consulting (NHTSA CPS instructor since 1998) and product development Ride Ryte Booster seats and Sleepy Time Head Rest products. Read More

Marc Griffis LLC