Bitimec produces the most efficient, most affordable bus washing systems ever conceived! Our Single-Brush Wash-Bots take up next to no room, and deliver IMMEDIATE ROI from day 1! The WASH-BOTS line features electric (plugged-in) models, ideal for dedicated wash bays, and self-powered (unplugged,... Read More
We are the OEM of North America's favorite Single Brush Wash system. Total cost per wash = $2.00 over a 15 year life cycle. How much money would you save if you could wash a large fleet vehicle in less than 5 minutes with only 5 gallons of water per minute and 1 ounce of soap? Read More
By Istobal USA
Istobal's answer to the difficult challenge of automatically washing todays over the road trucks, bus's, school bus's, waste hauling trucks and even heavy equipment is the "PJ AUTOMATIC ROLLOVER". The PJ can be equipped with 2 or 3 amperage sensing electronically controlled soft poly brushes and... Read more »