Fultz Enterprises

20 Cedar Street
Franklin, PA 16323

About Fultz Enterprises

Distributor of high pressure cleaning systems throughout Western Pa., Eastern Ohio, Southern NY and beyond. We supply cleaning equipment to the transportation, industrial, construction, gricultural, and food processing markets, Auto Car Washes, Truck Washes, and Bus Washes, and cleaning chemicals and soaps.

Competitors of Fultz Enterprises

Istobal USA


Manufacturer of industrial pumps and a broad line of parts washers, with on-site Customer Service and Engineers to answer customer questions and solve unique problems. Read More

Bitimec produces the most efficient, most affordable bus washing systems ever conceived! Our Single-Brush Wash-Bots take up next to no room, and deliver IMMEDIATE ROI from day 1! The WASH-BOTS line features electric (plugged-in) models, ideal for dedicated wash bays, and self-powered (unplugged,... Read More