TDG Transit Design Group Inc.

9-3770A Laird Rd.
Mississauga, ON L5L 0A7

About TDG Transit Design Group Inc.

TDG Transit Design Group has been providing Innovative Interior and Exterior LED, Florescent, and Incandescent lighting to the mass transit industry since 1989.

TDG currently has over 60,000 LED Drivers in Rail Applications in Service across North America since 2002, and has had LED main lighting systems in place since 2003 and is proud to be one of the largest transit lighting manufacturers in North America.

TDG currently provides total lighting solution for interior, exterior, and emergency lighting systems for new car builds as well as retrofit and refurbishment applications, as well as offering a full range of products for the Locomotive Industry including an LED PAR 56 headlight/ditch light

Competitors of TDG Transit Design Group Inc.

Bechtel Corporation

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