National Scientific Corporation

8361 East Evans Road Suite 106
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

About National Scientific Corporation

Travado IBUS records and optionally tracks students on and off school buses and records GPS data. Travado IBUS is the first fully integrated system for school buses that brings together digital video recording, GPS and optional bus rider authentication into one package. By using a GPS tracking system and wireless communications the bus video, GPS data and bus and student information is downloaded to a secure web site -- you do not go out to the bus to obtain the video or any other data. School administrators can see video of conduct and activities on school buses; map bus routes; and also know where students are from the time they step onto the bus until they return home.

Competitors of National Scientific Corporation


Zonar is a transportation technology company that helps pupil transportation fleets improve regulatory compliance, increase fleet efficiency, and improve safety. Fleets utilize Zonar’s suite of solutions to capture vehicle-related data that can be integrated with other backend systems or viewed... Read More

Established in 1993, Child Check-Mate System developed and patented a unique alarm system that helps remind drivers to check for sleeping children at the end of each route. The system was designed "by drivers for drivers”. The system endures some of North America's harshest weather conditions... Read More

The primary focus for ATWEC is pre-school and child care safety products as it relates to the transportation industry. ATWEC Technologies, Inc. has developed a unique, highly effective safety application for the huge, underserved population looking for and using safety devices. Children left on... Read More